Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thank You, Kanye.

You are a douchebag. That's all there is to it.
No need to go on a rant here, I think for once the nation is in agreement. In fact, this is the most bi-partisan issue our nation has ever faced. Not since the great 'Puppies are Cute' debate of '47, or even the monumental 'Mosquitoes are Annoying' decision of 1884 has there been this much consensus in our nation. Blue, red, black, white, young and old alike, we are all on the same side on this one.
Well, all except Kanye.

In the midst of the summer's heated battles over health care reform and senior death panels, with two useless wars depleting our resources and killing thousands while dividing our nation, with an energy crisis with no end, flu on the horizon, hurricanes and terrorists, there is one area in which we are all one.

We all hate Kanye.

To that, Douchebag, on behalf of America, thank you.

Thank you, Kanye!