Friday, May 1, 2009

Florida (Sorry Mom!)

Florida sucks. That's all there is to it. Almost as bad as Texas. Maybe even worse. While we are all blatantly aware of the suckiness of Texas, Florida is a bit sneakier. The Sunshine State. That sounds so nice! It has sunshine!

And Jesus. Now, nothing is wrong with Jesus. I'm sure he was a hell of a guy. But he most definitely has no place on a state controlled taxpayer funded license plate.

That's right, the Sunshine State has made it ok to order custom designed plates, featuring your favorite 2000 year old dead guy. Not the regular old vanity plates, either. If you are clever enough to come up with something jesus-y with the standard use of letters and numbers, than power to you. Or to him. Whatever. But these are different. These actually have pictures. Crucifixion pictures. Religious pictures.

Paint your car Jesus colored. Hell, put a giant cross on your hood. I don't give a shit. But do not use one cent of my tax dollars to do it.

It turns out, a far worse practice has been going on in the Sunshine Up Your Ass State for a while now. "Choose Life" license plates. That's right, you can use your state issued identification plate to inform me of your desire to save unborn collections of cells and kill doctors. Why have we allowed our states to get involved in this ridiculous battle?

What the fuck, Florida? It wasn't enough that your ineptitude caused 8 years of pain and suffering in the world by your failure to properly count, but now you want to destroy one of the most basic principles of our constitution?

Get with it, Florida. Even Texas knows better. They separate Church and State by making the State Christian and and the governor Satan. Easy!

See all the available Florida plates

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