Monday, February 2, 2009

The guy who posted pictures of Michael Phelps taking bong hits

I mean, come on asshole.

Here is someone relaxing with friends, getting high, and harming no one. You know nothing is wrong with that. You most likely do that. You know that more than 60% of our country does that. You also know that the other 40% has a shit-ton of power, and is backed by the Christian Conservative Nazi Right. And you know how damaging a photo like this would be to an Olympic athlete, National Hero, roll model and all around public figure like Phelps.

All you are doing is strengthening the position of the anti-drug Nazi’s in this world. The hoops of public apologies Phelps has had to jump through, all they do is reaffirm the stranglehold on this nation that the Conservatives have.

And for what? What did you get out of this? Did you make a few dollars? Did you possibly destroy the image of a well liked public figure?

You were at this party, most likely getting high yourself. You obviously did not disapprove, or were not offended by Phelps’ actions.

So why the photo? Why the public posting?

Is it perhaps that you are a

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