Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Wallgreens, the pillar of respectability in the retail kingdom, has made a decision to save us all.

They have pulled "Chia-Obama" from their shelves. Oh, don't worry, you can still get a presidential chia at Just no longer at Wallgreens.

This sucks, as Wallgreens is for me, as for most, my primary destination for Chia shopping.

The company sites "getting a few complaints about the item" as its reason to discontinue sales.

Well, in such a rightous and moral environment as this, what CAN you buy at Wallgreens?

The Intelligender Prediction Test, KY Intense Arousal Gel For Her, HydroxyCut Waitloss Formula, Delux Gopher Pick-up and Reaching Tool, Urine-Gone, Marshmallow Popper Gun, Sonic Personal Sound Amplifyer (you know, the thing to spy on people talking about you!), The Liberator Sex Ramp, Pleasure Enhancer Tablets for Women, Durex Play Intimacy Kit, and, of course, brought to you by our favorite solicitor of prostitution, the ShamWow!

No Chia-Obama though. That's offensive!

1 comment:

  1. Good info, just orderd my "Determined Obama",
